追踪假日消费 季节性压力下降


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Nothing is more heartwarming than seeing your loved ones’ faces light up when they open that perfect gift you (err, 圣诞老人给他们的.

泰勒的新自行车, Olivia’s new tablet and that gift card to mom and dad’s favorite steak place all add up to wonderful holiday memories… until the credit card statements show up.

The holidays will look different this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is why most people will try even harder to make the season brighter for others. 但, you don’t have to dip into Tyler and Olivia’s college savings to create a special time for everyone!

The most important thing to remember is to plan ahead: Have a set spending amount for gifts, 包装, 娱乐, 捐款和旅行.


许多人今年都在财务上挣扎, so it will be no surprise to those outside your family if your gift-recipient list is shorter this year. Once you trim your list, make a holiday treat or handmade token for those who got the cut. 思想才是最重要的.

Once you have your list complete, figure out a realistic amount to spend on each person. Jot down a couple of gift ideas in your price range for that person.

Try a budgeting app like Mint to keep your spending in check. You can use Mint for regular monthly budgeting, but it also allows you to allocate more funds for holiday purchases. 使用图表和报告, it shows how much you’ve spent and how it will affect your budget in the months to come.


Due to the pandemic, holiday shopping is already in full swing. Most people want to avoid crowds, so they are already hitting the malls. Retailers are well aware of this trend, and are offering pre-Christmas sales and discounts.

Spreading out your holiday shopping over several weeks also makes it easier on your budget. Always shop with a list and keep track of your spending. As you buy your gifts, subtract from your total budget.

In addition to shopping the sales and collecting coupon codes for online purchases, know when to buy. December is the best time to buy cars, appliances, winter clothing and electronics. Also, know how much items cost before a markdown to know if you’re really getting a deal.

It is expected that online shopping will increase by 35% this year because shoppers don’t feel comfortable being in stores. Some states still have restrictions limiting retail establishments’ capacity and store hours.

If you’re shopping online, order early and expect delays in shipping. Increased shopping during the holidays will affect already-strained delivery companies. To avoid shipping delays and higher shipping costs, 在提供“网上购物”的商店购物, “发货到仓库”服务. This service is free at most retailers, some of which offer curbside pickup.

获得最好的卡片交易, decorations and gift 包装 during the days right before and after Christmas. Discounts of up to 75% off can shave a lot off your holiday budget for next year.


仍然受到大流行的影响, most folks will host smaller holiday gatherings this year, 这将节省大量的食物, 零食和成人饮料. 许多人仍然在家工作, so work parties and gift exchanges also will be virtual or postponed, 把现金放在钱包里.

如果你要招待客人, keep costs down by asking everyone to bring their favorite side or dessert and include festive recipe cards with the chef’s name.

For the adults, serve a warm mulled wine or holiday punch or make one festive signature cocktail.

Use DIY decor featuring natural items, like holly and pine cones. Gather the kids and go on a hike to find outdoor holiday decorations. 它不仅会节省你的钱, but it will also give you some stress-free outdoor time with your family.

聚会时不使用塑料可以节省更多. Disposable plates and dinnerware are not great for the environment or your budget.


如果你必须回家过节的话, don’t forget to figure in other incidentals beyond gasoline and the cost of a plane ticket.

If you’re traveling by car, gas prices have luckily seen a steady dip. 仍然, the GasBuddy app can help you find the best prices for gasoline wherever you are, 你甚至可以通过应用程序支付. Don’t forget to figure in tolls and any emergency costs that may come up.

如果你在飞行, 考虑行李费, parking and shuttle costs and the expense of ground transportation once you arrive.

别忘了路威! You’ll need to pay someone to take care of your furry friends. The Rover app can help you find pet care options near your home.


The holidays are a time for goodwill toward all. 但 if your budget cannot accommodate a monetary donation, volunteer your time. 如果你能捐款的话, be sure to check that the charity you are supporting is legitimate by consulting Charity Navigator.

控制好你的假期开销, and you may have some holiday spirit left over even after the last elf is packed away and the January bills start rolling in.

We at San Francisco Federal Credit Union wish you all a happy, healthy and stress-free holiday.
